ATM for Sale in Arizona: Rent or Buy- Which Is Better?

Whether you have a gas station, restaurant, or retail store in Arizona, placing an ATM is perfect if your business has at least 75 customers daily. Especially while looking forward to boosting your income, this option can be a profitable one!

But some business persons remain on a fix if they should rent an Arizona ATM for sale or buy it! Are you one of them? Then, today’s post is for you! Keep on reading!

Arizona atm for sale

Is renting better than buying an ATM?

A recent survey reports that over 69% of business owners in Arizona choose to lease an ATM over buying that. And the following reasons are the proof of why it is. Such as: 

What’s about the upfront costs?

True to say, the amount can vary, depending on the statement if you have rented or bought an ATM. While buying an ATM, you have to load it with cash in every month that will come from your wallet.

On the contrary, leasing an ATM involves only the one-time monthly internet access costs and rent. Yes, the leasing charge can be different because of the model you have picked.

Buying or renting the latest ATM models!

If you have a plan to buy the latest model of ATM to attract more customers, expect $1500 for a basic. And for the latest model, you may have to pay up to $15000 at a time! Can you afford that?

On the other hand, leasing the latest model ATM in Arizona may charge you a little bit more than the basic one. Still, it would be less than the purchasing costs.

Expenses for the upgrades and maintenance!

The best part of renting an ATM for commercial premies is that you need not have to pay the maintenance and setup costs. You can leave all the stress on the technicians and ATM service providers.

But buying an ATM means taking all the loads on your shoulder. You cannot skip the installation, maintenance, and servicing charges here! 

Profit and fees!

Yes, you can get a better amount of commission and service charge by buying an ATM. But you cannot get as much return as you have invested from purchase cost to maintenance and cash loading.

In leasing, you can earn the service charge by spending the minimum amount for the rent.

Do you need help?

People have to access it more than three times a month! Yet, look for ATM for sale in Arizona to place at your business premises. Visit for more details!


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